Friday, October 31, 2008

Patience, Please

You loyal readers of these humble posts, please have patience - -the Missus and I'll be celebrating completion of my MLA degree with a ride down the Danube, so expect a post just prior to December. Such get-outta-the-rut trips are great for perspective, so I might have some fun insights to share when we return. Until then, Miz Hawks or Master Frauenfelder can keep your juices flowing when you're not curled up in the Barcalounger with a good book. Have fun, Gridley


Ann Barrett said...

Congratulations Bob! Didn't realize you had finished. I have, at long last, a minute to peruse, and I am thoroughly enjoying your blog.

Again, congrats!

Gridley Fires said...

Thanks, Ann. I walked the stage in December of '08. Had hoped to have gonee to VA TECH to work on an interdisciplinary PhD, but I wasn't accepted. So now I write. And write. And write.